Shop With Utah FAST And Get Hassle-Free FFL Transfers!
When you purchase from our online store we don’t charge any transfer fees. If you’re buying from another online gun store, fees apply. Before making a purchase from another online retailer, contact us to see if we can get you a better price.
Experience, Convenience And Exceptional Service At Utah FAST – Your Trusted Source For FFL Transfers.
If you are a prohibited person, attempting to purchase a firearm or lying on the Firearm Transaction Record (ATF Form 4473) is a felony. We reserve the right to refuse to sell or transfer a firearm, or do business with anyone we deem suspicious, under the influence of alcohol or controlled substance, or suspect of committing a straw purchase.
Hunting and fishing licenses are no longer acceptable as supplemental identification. If your driver’s license, ID card, or Utah concealed firearm permit does not have your current address see “What Is Acceptable Identification” in the FAQs at the bottom of this page.
Transfer Fees
Firearm transfers must comply with our store policies, which also includes storage fees and additional information.
Handguns, Rifles & Shotguns:
$20.00 (first firearm)
$10.00 (each additional firearm within the same transfer)
- Firearms purchased from us are exempt from the transfer fee.
- LE/Mil/Vet/EMS Receive A $5.00 Discount.
NFA Firearms:
$59.99 – Individuals
$69.99 – NFA Trusts
$29.99 – Each Additional Form 23 (NFA Trusts)
- NFA firearms purchased from us are exempt from the transfer fee.
- LE/Mil/Vet/EMS Receive A $5.00 Discount.
- Each additional Form 4 within the same transfer receives a 50% discount.
- We offer a Silencer Bore Alignment service if you’re interested.
- See “What Is Included In The NFA Transfer Fee” in the FAQs below.
- If you don’t know what an NFA trust is for or why someone would use it, see “What Is An NFA Trust” in the FAQs below.
Background Check
This fee is assessed by the Utah Bureau of Criminal Identification (BCI).
- FREE for Utah residents with a valid Concealed Firearm Permit, if the permit is provided at the time of the transfer.
- FREE for Utah law enforcement for the purchase of a personal firearm to be carried while off-duty if the law enforcement officer verifies current employment by providing a letter of good standing from the officer’s commanding officer and current law enforcement photo identification, and may only be used to purchase a personal firearm once in a 24-month period as provided in U.C.A. §76-10-526. (14).
Transfer Process
Our firearm transfer process is designed to make everything faster, easier, and better for you. If we are receiving a firearm or NFA firearm from another dealer, please complete the Transfer Form below, which allows us to make everything smoother and faster when it arrives.
When the firearm arrives, it will be processed into our system, this means that while your tracking number (if available) may say that the firearm has arrived at our location it will not be ready until we contact you (Up To 72-Hours Processing Time).
- We Do Not Accept Walk-Ins. An appointment is required for all firearm transfers. You will receive a text message when it is ready for you to schedule an appointment. Do not schedule an appointment until AFTER we have notified you or it may be canceled.
- You must bring acceptable identification with your current residential address. See more under “What Is Acceptable Identification” in the FAQs below.
If you are transfering an NFA firearm you must:
- Have an ATF eForms Account created before your appointment.
- Know your username and your 4-digit PIN – eForms help.
- Bring a credit/debit card to pay the Stamp Tax ($200.00, or $5.00 if it’s an AOW).
> We do not allow USB or other storage devices to be connected to our computers for security purposes. If you are putting the NFA firearm into a trust or legal entity, you must email a current copy of your NFA trust in Adobe PDF format to BEFORE your appointment.
> If your trust or legal entity paperwork has not been changed since the last approval (if the approval was within the previous 24 months), you can submit an ATF 24-Month Exception Letter instead of the trust or legal entity paperwork. You must email this letter to us instead of your NFA trust. See more information in the FAQs below.
> ALL Trustees and Co-Trustees, if applicable, must come with you to the appointment. They are required to submit fingerprints and passport pictures and sign a completed ATF Form 23 Responsible Person Questionnaire. This does not apply to Successor Trustees or Beneficiaries.
- To establish an NFA Trust, you must do so before your appointment.
- If you need the NFA Trust notarized, we are a certified Utah Notary.
The change of possession of a firearm from a Federal Firearms Licensee (FFL) to another FFL or a person/customer (non-FFL) is called a Firearm Transfer. The individual or entity receiving the firearm is the Transferee. Any changing of possession of any item is transferring the item, however, the term “transfer,” when used with firearms, almost always means processing the gun through a licensed FFL dealer to a transferee as part of a firearm transaction. This started with the Gun Control Act of 1968 (GCA), where firearms that travel interstate (across state lines) must be transferred using a Federal Firearms Licensee (FFL). This is true even if the purchaser has a handgun or firearm permit.
When an FFL is used to transfer a firearm, the FFL will acquire (receive) the firearm onto the FFL’s records from an individual (seller) or another FFL (manufacturer or another dealer). Then, the FFL will dispose of (give) the firearm to another FFL or to an individual. That entire transaction is a “firearm transfer”.
This means that firearm transactions (gift, loan, sale, etc.) that happen within the same state don’t require an FFL. NOTE: This is only under federal law – your state may require that all transactions go through an FFL. If you want to loan/gift/sell a firearm to your friend while you are both residents of the same state (and while you’re both in that state), you don’t need to use an FFL under federal law. This is true even if you’re shipping the firearm within the same state. However, see below the breakdown on shipping firearms.
The FFL needs to know where the firearm is coming from to properly log it into the FFL’s records. The ATF requires that FFLs maintain a book with all acquisitions and dispositions in a book called the, you guessed it, Acquisition and Disposition Book (A&D).
If you are an individual sending a firearm to an FFL to be transferred, then you should include a copy of your driver’s license with the firearm so that the FFL can record your name and address. You may not like it, but it’s a requirement that the FFL knows this information. You should also contact the FFL prior to sending the firearm. After all, the FFL will need to know what to do with the firearm once they receive it. Often, FFLs will just ask you to write the name and contact information of who it is supposed to go to but sometimes they’ll have a form for you to print and fill in.
If the FFL is transferring the firearm to an individual (either the person buying your firearm or you if the transfer is for your firearm), then an ATF Form 4473 Firearm Transaction Record and NICS background check (with some exceptions) must be completed. This form is the paperwork you fill out whenever you buy a firearm from an FFL. It includes your information and answers to questions confirming that you aren’t a prohibited person.
For long guns (rifles and shotguns), the FFL can transfer the firearm to a resident of any state as long as it’s legal in both states. Handguns, however, can only be transferred to residents of the state where the FFL is located.
Because you can only ship a firearm across state lines to an FFL, you should ALWAYS get a copy of the recipient FFL before you ship the firearm! Once you get a copy, I highly recommend that you use the ATF’s FFL E-Z Check system. It’s not a requirement but it ensures that you didn’t get a fraudulent copy, a fake address, or a surrendered FFL (after it was copied).
We include everything you need to submit the ATF Form 4 Application for Tax Paid Transfer and Registration of Firearm.
eFile Form 4
- One Fingerprint EFT File
- One Digital Passport Picture
- Completion Of One eForm 4
- Completion Of One ATF Form 23 Responsible Person Questionnaire (if applicable)
- Transfer Fee Upon Receiving Approved Tax Stamp
- DOES NOT include background check fee (if applicable)
Paper Form 4
- Two Fingerprint Cards
- Two Passport Pictures
- Completion Of One ATF Form 4
- Completion Of One ATF Form 23 Responsible Person Questionnaire (if applicable)
- Transfer Fee Upon Receiving Approved Tax Stamp
- DOES NOT include background check fee (if applicable)
As of March 6th, 2024, we have been advised by the ATF that FFL dealers in Utah are no longer able to accept Utah hunting or fishing licenses as supplemental identification due to determining that the Division of Wildlife Resources (DWR) does not verify the address on the hunting or fishing license.
A valid government-issued photo identification at the time of background check initiation that displays the buyers;
- Full legal name
- Date of birth
- Current residential address
Example: Driver’s License or State Issued Identification Card
– Utah temporary (paper) driver’s licenses ARE accepted.
– A handwritten sticker showing an address change on the back WILL NOT be accepted.
– Identification that is expired WILL NOT be accepted.
As explained by the ATF:
- The identification document presented by the transferee must have a photograph of the transferee, as well as the transferee’s name, residence address, and date of birth. The identification document must also be valid (e.g., unexpired) and have been issued by a governmental entity for the purpose of identification of individuals. An example of an acceptable identification document is a current driver’s license.
A combination of government-issued documents may be used to meet the requirements of an identification document. For example, a passport that contains the name, date of birth, and photograph of the holder may be combined with a voter or vehicle registration card containing the residence address of the transferee in order to comply with the identification document requirements. A passport issued by a foreign government is also acceptable so long as it has all of the required information.*
See Important Information Below For Utah Requirements. - A description of the location of the residence on an identification document, such as a rural route, is sufficient to constitute a residence address provided the purchaser resides in a State or locality where it is considered to be a legal residence address.[18 U.S.C. 922(t); 27 CFR 478.11 and 478.124]
- Military Exceptions: Military personnel stationed in a state other than their legal residence may purchase firearms across state lines. Contact your local dealer receiving the transfer as you must have to provide proof of deployment, residence, etc.
Utah Requirements
As provided by a Brady Supervisor at the Utah Bureau of Criminal Identification (BCI)
“Utah requires a driver’s license or ID card from a state that can be verified by our system in Rule 722-380.”
R722-380-3. Verification of Identification.
(1) For purposes of a criminal history background check as established in Section 76-10-526, the only form of photo identification the bureau shall accept is a driver’s license or identification card that may be accessed through the issuing state’s database and verified as a valid form of identification.
“If the address is not correct on the driver’s license or ID card, Utah does allow any government-issued document to be used as long as it has the current address. This could come from a municipality, state, or federal document. There are many documents or letters that could be used for this alternative to the address not being correct. The FFL would have to see one of these documents to add to his FFL paperwork in support of a new address.”
“A city bill would work, but something like Rocky Mountain Power would not work because it’s not a government agency. If you use taxes or registration, they have to be the current year.”
If you maintain property (a home) in another state see the FAQ “What constitutes residency in a state” for more information about the ability to purchase firearms in multiple states.
As explained by the ATF:
- For Gun Control Act (GCA) purposes, a person is a resident of a state in which he or she is present with the intention of making a home in that state. The state of residence for a corporation or other business entity is the state where it maintains a place of business.
A member of the Armed Forces on active duty is a resident of the state in which his or her permanent duty station is located. If a member of the Armed Forces maintains a home in one state and the member’s permanent duty station is in a nearby state to which they commute each day, then the member has two states of residence and may purchase a firearm in either the state where the duty station is located or the state where the home is maintained.[18 U.S.C. 921(b), 922(a)(3), and 922(b)(3); 27 CFR 478.11] - May a person who resides in one state and owns property in another state purchase a firearm in either state?
If a person maintains a home in two states and resides in both states for certain periods of the year, they may, during the period of time they actually reside in a particular state, purchase a firearm in that state. However, simply owning property in another state does not alone qualify the person to purchase a firearm in that state.[27 CFR 478.11] - Military Exceptions: Military personnel stationed in a state other than their legal residence may purchase firearms across state lines. Contact your local dealer receiving the transfer as you must have to provide proof of deployment, residence, etc.
Utah Requirements
As provided by a Brady Supervisor at the Utah Bureau of Criminal Identification (BCI)
“Utah does allow for this situation if the person is currently residing in Utah and produces a government document (as described in the FAQ [What Is An Acceptable Valid Form Of ID To Purchase A Firearm]) that shows their current address. Then the out-of-state driver’s license just has to show as valid still and not be revoked or expired.”
– Our Addition: This means that if you own a home in two (or more) states, while you are living in your home in Utah it is LEGAL to purchase a firearm, including a handgun, using your valid nonresident driver’s license or ID card. Since the address on the Driver’s License or ID card would not be a Utah address you would be required to use any government-issued document as long as it has the current Utah address to show Utah residency as described in the FAQ “What Is An Acceptable Valid Form Of ID To Purchase A Firearm?”. You would enter your Utah residence address in response to question 10 on the ATF Form 4473.
If you have updated your address with the government entity (e.g. DMV) that issued it, your driver’s license may still be used for identification and date of birth verification purposes only. Another valid government-issued document that contains your name and current residential address can be used to supplement your driver’s license as proof of current residence (e.g. Vehicle Registration, Voter Identification Card, Concealed Firearm Permit, etc.).
If your background check is denied, having another person pick up a firearm on behalf of a prohibited person is committing a “straw purchase”. This is a federal felony punishable by a fine of up to $250,000.00, and 10 years in prison, and makes the individual who transferred the firearm a prohibited person as well.
The only exception to this is for an NFA firearm that was transferred into a Trust. Any responsible person listed on the Trust as a Trustee or Co-Trustee can complete the ATF Form 4473 Firearm Transaction Record and pick up the NFA firearm.
The definition of who is a prohibited person includes many categories of people. The definition of a “prohibited person” is included below. Some categories, like “felons,” are simple. If someone is a felon, then they are prohibited from possessing firearms or ammunition. Other categories, however, aren’t so clear and have specific details which are included below.
Prohibited Person Definition
A “prohibited person” is anyone who:
- Is a felon,
- has been convicted of any crime punishable by more than a year in prison (whether they were ever sentenced to or served a day in prison or not),
- is under indictment for any crime punishable by more than a year in prison,
- is a fugitive,
- is an unlawful user of any controlled substance,
- has been adjudicated as a mental defective,
- has been committed to a mental institution,
- is an illegal alien,
- has a dishonorable discharge from the military,
- has renounced their U.S. citizenship,
- is the subject of a restraining order restraining the person from harassing, stalking, or threatening an intimate partner or the child of an intimate partner, or
- who has been convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence.
It is ILLEGAL to purchase a firearm posing as the real buyer for someone else. If you do, it is called a straw purchase because the person posing as the buyer likely has a clean background and is doing so on behalf of another, often because that second person may not pass the background check.
A straw purchase is any purchase in which a second person agrees to acquire a firearm for someone else. This is not the same thing as purchasing a firearm as a genuine, bonafide gift. Any individual that purchases a firearm from a Federal Firearms License (FFL) dealer who lies on the Firearm Transaction Record (ATF Form 4473) about the identity of the ultimate possessor of the gun can be charged with making false statements, a felony, and can be punished by up to five years in prison in addition to fines up to $250,000 even if the transaction is denied by the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS).
It is LEGAL to purchase a firearm as a gift for another since you are actually buying the firearm for yourself to gift to another.
Transferring an NFA firearm to yourself as an individual requires you to be in possession of the NFA firearm at all times. This means you cannot allow anyone else to use the NFA firearm unless you are physically present with any other individual. An NFA Trust allows you to add additional responsible persons also called Trustees and Co-Trustees who can also possess the NFA firearm and you do not need to be with them. An NFA Trust also allows you to add beneficiaries which makes it a lot easier to transfer an NFA firearm to an heir in the unfortunate chance you are no longer to possess the NFA firearm or you pass away.
In partnership with 199Trust, we are excited to be able to give you a discount on their NFA Trust.
- The ATF examiner is not required to review your trust or legal entity documents again, saving valuable time and expediting the approval of your ATF Form.
- If you’re using the ATF eForm website to submit the NFA Form, you can bypass the 3 MB upload size limit for attachments, making the process smoother and more convenient.
This is a very common question asked when discussing NFA Trusts. Many people out there can confuse others into believing that it’s a big disadvantage that you are required to engrave something on your NFA firearm if it’s in an NFA Trust.
ATF Form 4’s
If you are completing an ATF Form 4 Application for Tax Paid Transfer and Registration of Firearm, then no. It does not matter if the NFA firearm was transferred as an individual or into an NFA Trust. Only manufacturers, importers, and makers of firearms are required to engrave firearms. If you are the buyer of an already manufactured firearm, receiver, Silencer, Short Barreled Rifle (SBR), Short Barreled Shotgun (SBS), Machine Gun, or Any Other Weapon (AOW) then it already has the manufacturer’s markings on the firearm listed on the Form 4 so you are not required to engrave anything additional onto the NFA firearm.
ATF Form 1’s
If you are completing an ATF Form 1 Application to Make and Register a Firearm, then… YES. You are either the manufacturer or maker of the firearm and must meet the engraving requirement. This means the NFA firearm must be marked conspicuously on the frame, receiver, or barrel with the name of the trust and the city and state (two-letter postal abbreviation acceptable) where the SBR is made. See 27 C.F.R. § 479.102(a)(2).
For purposes of the marking requirement, there is no difference whether the maker is an individual or an NFA Trust.
A Federal Firearms License (FFL) is a license in the United States that enables a company to engage in a business pertaining to the manufacture or importation of firearms and ammunition, or the interstate and intrastate sale of firearms. Holding an FFL to engage in certain such activities has been a legal requirement within the United States since the enactment of the Gun Control Act of 1968. The FFL is issued by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE) and is commonly known as the “ATF”.
The 1968 Gun Control Act states “engaged in the business” is applied to a dealer in firearms; a person who devotes time, attention, and labor to dealing in firearms as a regular course of trade or business with the principal objective of livelihood and profit through the repetitive purchase and resale of firearms.
Unless you are specifically buying and selling guns to make money to spend on living expenses, rather than get a job, you are not conducting business.
A person who makes occasional purchases of firearms for the enhancement of a personal collection or hobby, who sells all or part of his personal collection of firearms such as liquidating a firearm collection (for instance, after the death of a relative), sells a large number of firearms to pay for a sudden financial need, or simply selling a firearm you didn’t like in order to buy another is not “engaging in the business.”
If you are buying and selling firearms as a hobby, purchasing firearms to “upgrade” with accessories, or building firearms from “kits” or individual parts with the intent to sell them, you must obtain a Federal Firearms License (FFL). The ATF can arrest and charge you under Federal law, taking away your right to ever own a firearm again.
See more under 18 U.S.C. 922(a)(1).